MAC Executive Leadership
Any current recruitment to the role of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader (CSEL) can be found on the Vacancies page
Email letter from Adam Hardy
Adam Hardy, Director of Education, wrote via email to all Chairs of Boards of Directors, Accounting Officers, Chairs of Governing Bodies and Headteachers in the Birmingham Diocese on 23 July 2018 to update them on development of the role of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader.
The DES acknowledge that the strategies deployed for successful implementation of the new CSEL model within existing MACs will need to be adapted to meet the needs of each particular MAC and the shared vision for potential future growth. It is imperative, however, as the implementation phase progresses for all new or existing MACs thinking about establishing the position of the CSEL within their MAC to fully engage the Diocesan Education Service at the earliest possible stage. The Diocesan Advisory Rights for appointing headteachers/senior leaders are applicable to the role of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader, even when considering appointment to the position of a current Accounting Officer. |
SAMPLE MAC Governance and Accountability Framework inclusive of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader / CEO role
While a diagram of the overarching MAC Model is contained within the most recent Scheme of Delegation for Academies, a sample governance and accountability and assurance framework aligned to this has been developed, showing in more detail the importance of the role of the CSEL within the framework.
CSEL/CEO Development Consultation Summary of Responses
A Diocesan wide consultation on the role of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader was undertaken over the 2017/18 academic year. This document outlines key themes raised and discussed. Further information circulated as part of the consultation is available on the MAC Senior Executive Leader Consultation web page.
CSEL/CEO DES Project Update: July 2018
This DES update includes a summary of the approach taken in developing the MAC Executive Leadership role description and person specification together with areas identified for further research, development and engagement. A summary of key priorities for action in the autumn term 2018 is also provided.
Model Role Description for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader as at September 2019
Model Person Specification for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader as at 20 July 2018
The Role Description and Person Specification for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader should be reviewed together. These documents should be used as the basis for any future appointments to this role, though in consultation with the DES they could be adapted if necessary to meet the needs of the particular MAC. When advertising, it would of course be supplemented with details related to the particular MAC. |
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