MAC Executive Leadership
Email letter from Father Jonathan Veasey
Father Jonathan wrote via email to all Chairs of Boards of Directors, Accounting Officers, Chairs of Governing Bodies and Headteachers in the Birmingham Diocese on 11 May 2018 to engage them in development of the role of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader/CEO.
Context Slides including matters identified for further development and summary references
A range of models and good practice was reviewed both in relation to schools and academies as well as other sectors as part of this project. Initial discussions have taken place with a number of Accounting Officers across the Diocese and initial views have been gleaned through Diocesan MAC meetings as well as those held with external agencies. The need for clear and accountable executive leadership within multi-academies is substantial. The Context Slides briefly summarise the background and context information and key aspects of the role that informed the development of the role description and person specification. The slides include some key points in relation to how the role fits within the SAMPLE MAC Governance and Accountability Framework.
The practicalities of introducing such a role are not underestimated. A number of matters for further development and engagement have been identified and are briefly set out in the slides. As it is the intent over time to ensure that each MAC has a Catholic Senior Executive Leader/CEO over the short to medium term, it is also acknowledged that the approach to achieving the appointment to such a position could be quite different for a newly forming MAC than one which already exists and/or is expanding or merging. |
SAMPLE MAC Governance and Accountability Framework inclusive of the Catholic Senior Executive Leader / CEO role
While a diagram of the overarching MAC Model is contained within the most recent Scheme of Delegation for Academies, a sample governance and accountability and assurance framework aligned to this has been developed, showing in slightly more detail the importance of the role of the CSEL/CEO within the framework.
Proposed Role Description for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader / CEO (title TBC) as at April 2018
Proposed Person Specification for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader / CEO (title TBC) as at April 2018
The Role Description and Person Specification for the Catholic Senior Executive Leader / CEO should be reviewed together. It is proposed that these documents would be used as the basis for any future appointments to this role, though in consultation with the DES they could be adapted if necessary to meet the needs of the particular MAC. When advertising, it would of course be supplemented with details related to the particular MAC. A range or documentation for CEO level roles within the sector, charities and government have been reviewed to inform the drafting of these two documents. A ‘less is more’ approach has been taken while endeavouring to ensure essentials are captured, acknowledging that significant flexibility is required given the practicalities of the role may be somewhat different depending on the context, complexity and scale of the related MAC however the nature of the role and significant accountability entrusted to the postholder will be consistent.
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