DES Support for Schools through the Coronavirus Outbreak
We hope to be able to provide pastoral support to schools during these challenging times.
In addition to the latest government advice and the Public Health guidelines, we will be providing general diocesan information as well as practical support to our schools. Although Don Bosco House is closed for visitors until further notice, DES officers will continue to be available and accessible by phone and email. All DES training events will now be taking place virtually until further notice. |
Prayers during a time of flu and illnessPlease click on the image below for prayers during a time of flu and illness.
Prayer with Pope Francis
Government Advice |
Health AdvicePlease click here for health advice by the NHS
Please click here to find some of the parishes in the Diocese which live stream their Masses, so you can still access a Mass even if not in person.
Ofsted: coronavirus (COVID-19) rolling update
Ofsted have published a new page to set out guidance and information relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) for schools, early years, children's social care and further education and skills providers. It is being updated regularly. Section 48 Inspection guidance: The disapplication of the requirement for our schools to undergo Section 48 Inspection remains, due to the persistent nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Disapplication from Section 48 inspections currently remains in place until January 2021. Section 48 Monitoring Visits have been suspended for the remainder of the academic year 2020-21. Further information is available on the Section 48 page of this website. |
Pastoral Support Through Times of Bereavement and SeparationIf you would like information on the Rainbows project, please contact:
Primary Rebecca Brolly [email protected] David Harris [email protected] Secondary Richard Smith [email protected] |
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