It is our expectation that, in line with the requirements of the Bishops’ Conference, all schools and academies adopt the CES personnel procedures, namely: appraisal; capability, disciplinary; sickness and absence; and grievance procedures. We have now withdrawn the Archdiocesan versions of these procedures.
The Adoption Process It is important that documents and procedures used in employment matters are those authorised by the employer. It is necessary at times to indicate (to unions for example) from governing body or board of directors’ minutes, that authorised procedures are being used. To allow for the fact that the CES reviews and adjusts their documentation from time to time, and authorises the diocese to approve any local variations. A suitable wording for a resolution noted in minutes would be: ‘The board of governors/directors will use the Catholic Education Service employment documentation as published from time to time on their website. Should adjustments be necessary, for example to accommodate local agreements, this will be with the advice and approval of the Archdiocese.’
Essential Employment Policies and Procedures for all Catholic Schools / Academies in the Archdiocese of Birmingham
In accordance with the directive from the Bishops Conference it is expected that all schools/academies in the Archdiocese of Birminghamadopt the following Catholic Education Service (CES) policies and procedures:
To ensure you have the latest versions, it is important that you follow the links to the CES Website by clicking the relevant button below.